Med Aesthetics Miami
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Nurse Aestheticians: Bridging The Gap Between Wellness and Medicine

As I spoke to a client, who happened to be a fellow aesthetician, about the changing field we deal with every day when a client opens our door, I realized it was time to write about our role in people’s lives as gatekeeper of their wellness goals. I say this because the soul of the medical field has changed, and many times a medical diagnosis results in quick prescriptions with treatment with steroids and antibiotics. As many of you know, some of these, treat the symptom and not the cause, and can be toxic to your body. There’s a lot to be gained by adopting a holistic, preventive...

Cellulite: The Big Enigma

One of the top concerns of my clients, along with hair removal, is cellulite. The concern is real, since many of them refuse to wear shorts or even a bathing suit due to the embarrassment resulting from cellulite. And while trying to diminish its importance is a way to deal with it, with new treatment options, we can feel better about ourselves. The truth is that the etiology of cellulite is not completely known. So what is cellulite, besides the appearance, to some degree, of cottage cheese on our skin? One theory proposes that cellulite is the result of herniation of fat protruding through a weakened dermis and...

Our Skin and Epigenetics

In this competitive world, where much is determined by how we look, many people love a face that is well taken care of. So when they notice one and after the initial comment of “Your Skin Looks Great”, comes the question: “Have you always had good skin; is it in your genes?” … and the answer is: to an extent, but of course, there’s no substitute for taking care of your skin. Some believe that epigenetics or changes in gene expression not resulting from DNA instructions, is responsible for about 65% of longevity; whereas the remaining 35% is determined by those instructions mentioned above. In other words,...

Antioxidants: Helping Our Bodies

As I continue expanding on the skincare revolution, today, I decided to focus on antioxidants. A lot is known about them and their role in many functions of our bodies. Most notably, antioxidants are known for their help protecting our bodies from free radicals. They do this by giving off an electron that will attach to the free radical chain, thus breaking the reaction. They come in different forms from vitamins, minerals, amino acids, hormones to enzymes. For example, a few nights ago I was extremely tired and took some melatonin. I ended up sleeping about eight hours straight, more than my usual six. I also gave...

Hyaluronic Acid: A Balancing Act

Balance in our lives is key to a successful journey; and that applies not only to how we live, but also to what we apply to our skin. Hyaluronic Acid is no exception to the rule. How hyaluronic is broken down in our bodies, the amount and rate, is part of a magical equation to maintain homeostasis. So what am I trying to imply? Cells can only function when there is enough water. And that is where hyaluronic acid intervenes in our skin. Hyaluronic Acid is part of the glycosaminoglycans that maintain water for our skin. Its presence hydrates and adds volume to our skin. Variations in its...

The Skin Care Revolution

One of the reasons I love what I do, is because the only constant is change and innovation. Of course there are many other reasons, but following the trends in skincare is no easy task. Looking for the best product, or the next life changing treatment in order to bring the best to our clients forces me to remain at the forefront of what’s out there, as well as up-to-date on the latest research and more.  Well not surprisingly, many new products are revolutionizing skincare. Words such as peptides, probiotics, growth factors, liquid collagen, super fruits, and stem cells are all around us. How do we know which...

Saving Your Skin From Pollution

Did you know that according to some sources pollution kills more people than HIV and malaria, and has been linked to lung, heart disease, and strokes? Their analysis is based on the fact that traffic pollution contains nanoparticles that can penetrate the skin with nitrogen dioxide, linked to cancer. Furthermore, these can cause wrinkles, irritate our skin, and result in a breakdown of our skin barrier. And while we think our homes are free from pollution, we can also be exposed to dust mites, pollen, pet dander, mold, radon, allergens, carbon dioxide and more. While I did not do the research myself, it does make sense that...


In today’s business landscape, it’s easy to lose sight of your destination and start looking at what others are doing. This translates from trying to be present in your work to looking at your competitors and worrying about what they’re doing. Well, in my case, I like to think that I can only provide my best results when I use my talents to the max and when I believe in what I do. In other words, by being the best I can be, I not only provide a better service to my clients, but I am more at peace and fulfilled with myself. This alignment is simply...

Do Lasers And RadioFrequency Cellulite Treatments Work?

Today, I decided to focus on this week’s most frequently asked question: Do cellulite treatments really work? Rightly so, many ask this question. The fact is that while there are many alternatives to reduce the appearance of cellulite, some of these can be quite expensive.  Furthermore, to maintain the good results, many times these have to be repeated monthly or at preset intervals. Others simply don’t work. Nevertheless, the answer to this question is a resounding yes, there are treatments that work effectively to reduce the appearance of cellulite. If we start with the premise that cellulite occurs when fat deposits push through layers of connective tissue and that...

How do Cellulite Treatments Work?

I remember having cellulite since my teenage years. Many years later, it is still there: not better, not worse. While my situation is not so bad and noticeable, others are more affected by it. Living in Miami, close to the ocean and with beautiful sunny days, just adds to the equation. Cellulite is fat that collects in pockets just below the surface of the skin. It forms around the hips, thighs, and buttocks. Cellulite deposits cause the skin to look dimpled. It is a combination of skin laxity, fat herniation, and fibrous strands that can not stretch to support the skin. The tension on these strands pulls...