Med Aesthetics Miami
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Soothing Your Skin: How to Make Laser Hair Removal Less Painful

Tackling unwanted hair through daily methods like shaving or waxing can often feel like a never-ending chore. That's where the beauty of laser hair removal comes in, offering a lasting and effective solution. You might have heard some frightening tales about the discomfort involved from friends or family, but it's important to remember that everyone's experience is unique to them. If you've found yourself a skilled laser technician and are gearing up for your appointment, there are several gentle and easy ways to prepare both your mind and body. These preparations can significantly ease the experience, making your journey towards smooth, hair-free skin a more comfortable and stress-free process. Key Takeaways ...

soprano ice laser hair removal

Soprano Ice: The Pinnacle of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal has been a game-changer in the world of aesthetic treatments, providing a lasting solution to unwanted hair. Among the varied laser technologies available today, the Soprano Ice Laser stands out for its innovative approach to painless and efficient hair removal. What Makes Soprano Ice Laser Unique? The Soprano Ice offers a comprehensive solution that caters to all skin types, including tanned skin. Unlike traditional lasers, which send a single high-energy pulse into the skin, the Soprano Ice uses a method known as SHR™ (Super Hair Removal). This method continuously emits low fluence pulses at a high repetition rate, ensuring full coverage while gently heating the dermis...

Gentle YAG Candela

The Gentle YAG Laser by Candela: Laser Hair Removal

Gentle YAG is one of the technologies we use for laser hair removal at Med Aesthetics Miami. In the realm of aesthetic treatments, technology keeps evolving, making procedures safer, more efficient, and often more comfortable for patients. Among the front-runners in laser technology is Candela, a brand synonymous with innovation and quality. One of its standout devices is the GentleYAG laser, particularly renowned for its prowess in laser hair removal. What makes the Gentle YAG stand out? The GentleYAG laser, as the name suggests, uses a Nd:YAG laser with a wavelength of 1064 nm. This longer wavelength allows the laser to penetrate deeper into the skin, targeting the hair...

Wellness and Beauty Is For All

Welcome to my blog! In this blog, I write about topics that we, at Med Aesthetics Miami, experience every day. Today I wanted to write about the different voices that we encounter at the office. Together these represent the diversity of opinions that are molding the social climate in the country. On the one hand, many women are still feeling that gender inequality is a big issue despite evidence, such as a study published in 2018 in the Harvard Business Review, demonstrating that on average the sexes are more similar in their inclinations, attitudes, and skills than popular opinion believes. Regardless, these women believe that men have...

Health and Wellness Is a Priority

As part of my commitment to my career, I decided to undertake a degree as a Family Nurse Practitioner. Nurses are now revolutionizing the world of medicine. The nursing process brings much value added to the patient-provider relationship. One of these benefits is the holistic approach. While in the past, a lot of the focus was on curing disease, we are now going one step beyond and focusing on preventing it through lifestyle decisions. In this sense, many have written about such an approach, which is having an important impact on staying healthy. Health promotion activities are quite broad. These range from managing nutrition, weight and body-mass...

Breast Cancer Awareness

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. According to the National Cancer Institute, 12.9% of women born in the United States will develop breast cancer at some point during their lives. In other words, one in eight women born today has a chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer. The risk has increased slightly from many years ago but has remained steady in the past few years. The World Health Organization considers age, obesity, family history, radiation exposure, post-menopausal hormone therapy, tobacco use, and reproductive history as factors that can affect the development of breast cancer.   Despite the news above, technology in screening for the disease and treating it...

What Do Batman and The Current Crisis Have in Common?

I hope the title of this blog doesn’t shock anyone, given that I happen to be a Batman and Starwars movie lover. However, I don’t cease to compare the last Batman movie that I watched in which Gotham was being attacked by a fear gas, for which an antidote was needed. And I don’t want to sound naive, aloof, or insensitive, but while the current crisis is scary by itself, the fear factor surrounding it is exponentially worse. Yes, it will make people think and act hopefully with prudence, but lack of action also has its consequences. It can push people into depression, which is even worse;...

Cellulite: The Big Enigma

One of the top concerns of my clients, along with hair removal, is cellulite. The concern is real, since many of them refuse to wear shorts or even a bathing suit due to the embarrassment resulting from cellulite. And while trying to diminish its importance is a way to deal with it, with new treatment options, we can feel better about ourselves. The truth is that the etiology of cellulite is not completely known. So what is cellulite, besides the appearance, to some degree, of cottage cheese on our skin? One theory proposes that cellulite is the result of herniation of fat protruding through a weakened dermis and...

Our Skin and Epigenetics

In this competitive world, where much is determined by how we look, many people love a face that is well taken care of. So when they notice one and after the initial comment of “Your Skin Looks Great”, comes the question: “Have you always had good skin; is it in your genes?” … and the answer is: to an extent, but of course, there’s no substitute for taking care of your skin. Some believe that epigenetics or changes in gene expression not resulting from DNA instructions, is responsible for about 65% of longevity; whereas the remaining 35% is determined by those instructions mentioned above. In other words,...